Tuesday 4 November 2008

Tuesday 4th November 2008

Today we had our 2 legal systems lectures and the study skills. Maz is still away for some reason so we had Tim Vollans again. In the lectures we quickly looked at an act of parliament and how it is laid out. We also looked at case law. Cases have been written and reported since 1275. To date, there have been 3 stages of case reporting.
1275 – 1535: year books
1535 – 1865: private reports
1865 – present: modern reports
We looked at the limits of when you can sue. This was brought up recently when someone wanted to sue, but didn’t because the person they were suing had no money. They have since won the lottery and wanted to sue now.
In study skills we looked at what difference punctuation can make. We had a letter from Jill to Jack. The first one we looked at was saying how much she loves him and cant be without him. Then we looked at a different copy with the full stops and commas in different places which says how much she hates him and really can’t stand him.

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