Monday 3 November 2008

Monday 3rd November 2008

We had introducing criminology at 12 and a law seminar with Mark at 1. In introducing criminology, we looked at the differences between normal, different, deviant, and criminal. We were asked to think of an example, and try and put the example into each section. The example a few people thought of was
Normal: going to the pub
Different: getting really drunk and flirting with everyone
Deviant: dancing on the bar
Criminal: getting really drunk and assaulting someone
There was some debate as whether getting drunk is that different. This was generally the example people used. We also had a list of actions that we had to decide id they were firstly against the lay, then if they were normal, different, deviant or criminal. Most of the illegal ones were criminal obviously, but we were surprised by the fact that prostitution is not against the law, but soliciting is!
In the seminar for Constitutional and admin law, we looked at the separation of powers in a lot of detail. We looked at how different it will be this time next year when the Supreme Court is opened and the House of Lords is closed as a court. We also looked at how the separation of powers can never be perfect because the separation of powers were introduced after the government was formed.

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