Tuesday 28 October 2008

Tuesday 28th October 2008

Today we had 2 lectures for Constitutional & Admin Law and a seminar for Study Skills. For the 2 lectures, Maz was away so we had Tim Vollans instead. The lecture was about how law is passed though parliament, normally with the white paper, green paper, and through the House of Commons and the House of Lords. We talked about exceptions and how sometimes the house of lords will delay a bill. There are also some acts that have been put though with only the House of Commons. We looked at a case where it was argued that the Hunting Act 2004 is illegal because of the parliament act 1949 that was used to push through the legislation is in itself illegal because of the way it was passed.
In the seminar, we looked at how we should be writing essays for our first year. We looked at how paragraphs should be written and in what order. We also looked at what we should do when we are going to write an essay. How we should plan it, and then what to do when we have finished.
We were told at the beginning of the seminar that it was going to be boring but I thought that some of the information was quite interesting and will be helpful when I come to write my essays.

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